Solo road-trip to Jitra, Kedah

I’m in Jitra, after 6 years. 

Since I came all the way here alone, feels awkward to make a short visit to teachers’ room. It seems like Cikgu Ibrahim already informed that a student will come over to pick up her certs. He didn’t remember me quite well, but he’s being what he used to be 🙊 Now, waiting for Asmi and Ilah, only then I’ll get a place to rest this exhausted body and mind after long drive from KL.

I passed by Jitra town, reminds me of those days. Jitra Mall...The only outing place. I barely remember the bus stop, as I don’t always go out for outing. Could not stand myself with the sunny weather, eyes can’t widely open. There was a tutti frutti right there where the bus stopped, I remember seeing a senior eating the ice cream and dating 😆. So random.

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