
Final exam for semester 1 is just around the corner. Hmm havent fully prepared, and still can do blogging hehehe. Almost the end of sem 1, looking forward for 2016 countdown! 

Aims for 2016 isn't that much... 

• Study is a must, but don't forget to make urself happy and enjoy with life. 
• BMI of 18 isnt the aim, can do handstand is a pleasure. 
• Joining marathon event is not for fun, to run is fun! Especially with a pacer. Wink! 
• Positive vibes are allowed, negativity? Go die. 
• Getting a year older it means keep maintaining the same. Hmm or maybe improving. Hmm
• Improve yourself. Dont hesitate about what others would say. 
• Protect me Oh Allah

2016 keywords: 20 and 31. Goodluck! 

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