Saving up Journey - i

A year of working.

Earlier on when I started my job, I had so much to pay for the most part in my previous posts I mentioned about moving cities. At that time, I barely have money left from my savings. Now all my duties has been paid, I could easily save up a grand a month easily. It is just a matter of desire. This month marks my second month of saving up, and the reason why I wrote this down here when this should have been done confidentially, it is my journey to keep track on my saving jar and at the same time to discipline myself during the progress. 

I am a person who would keep my stomach empty on daily basis rather than spending money on food but when I spend, I really spend. I spent hundreds for just an item (Alexander Mcqueen boots and Dior purse for example). Thus, at the end of the month, I start over with the same amount of salary I just received. Feels like entering the next level of a game everytime you won but with exactly the same challenge. 

Invitations to go out, for tea, for dinner, meet up in London. I refused most of the time because I feel guilty to let others pay or even to split the bills, especially with friends. I feel more at ease and happier when I am the one paying. No complaints, but that is just me. So, whenever I am in short of money, I don't go out at all. But when I have the extra money every month from salary, I kept on spending, travelling back and forth from Bicester to Birmingham, there was a moment I travelled every single day to meet friends and Joao. Thinking about that again, I should have save more, instead. 

Although it took a year to come into realisation about my spending pattern, there is no space for messing around anymore. Wish me luck! 


  1. Good luck Reen! - Dommy

    1. Thankyou Dommy, more posts coming up soon! hehehehh <3



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